Salvation Army Drug Rehab Programs
Life Skills
The Salvation Army alcohol and drug rehab programs provide participants with a place to live, usually in shared living spaces, for six months or perhaps longer. Meals and clothing are provided, as are educational materials and job training. The provision of food, shelter and clothing allows participants to focus on recovery. Participants work, developing on-the-job skills as part of their therapy. They also are provided time and opportunity for leisure pursuits. Shared living, working and recreation gives participants opportunities to resolve interpersonal issues on a day-to-day basis.
The Salvation Army alcohol and drug rehab programs do not require applicants to have health insurance or money to pay for treatment. In many cases, treatment costs the participant nothing out of pocket. The program participant works inside the organization as a way to help offset program costs.
The Salvation Army does not solicit government funding for its alcohol and drug rehab programs. This ministry for rehabilitation receives support from individuals, businesses, groups and organizations, that donate usable items for sale in the Salvation Army thrift stores.
Faith-Based Treatment
The applicant, whether self-referred or referred by court, friends, family or a member of the clergy, must be willing to take part in treatment that is Christian faith-based. Therapy includes meetings centered on the 12 Step model. Prayer, Bible study and group therapy, including spiritual counseling, are all part of ARC programs. An interview precedes acceptance. The intake process helps determine if the person is a good fit or if referral to a different program would serve the person better. All ARC programs, at their core, are based on the same principles, beliefs and strategies. However, program details can vary from one ARC to the next.
Services of the Salvation Army are listed independently in local telephone directories. Call the organization in your community and ask for the Adult Rehabilitation Centers intake office to learn more about the programs. The Salvation Army website also has information about the programs.