What Are the Side Effects With Methandrobol?
In the brain, anabolic steroids bind to androgen and estrogen receptors for access to the nucleus of the cell, where they can alter gene expression.
Mental Effects
Studies performed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse determined that anabolic steroids contribute to psychiatric dysfunction--especially aggression and extreme mood swings that can lead to violence. Other mental effects include paranoid jealousy, irritability, delusions and impaired judgment.
Physical Effects
Physical effects include acne and cysts, breast growth, baldness and testicle shrinkage in men, and voice deepening, male-pattern baldness and growth of body hair in women.
Physiological Effects
Anabolic steroids may cause low sperm count in men and carry serious health risks, such as heart problems and liver disease.
Anabolic steroids can be addictive and have withdrawal symptoms, such as mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, reduced sex drive and severe depression.