Medication to Help Stop Smoking
Nicotine Gum
The nicotine gum is an over-the-counter medication available in 2mg and 4mg potency. It is a form of nicotine replacement, acting quickly by absorbing the nicotine through the mouth's mucous membrane. When taking the nicotine gum, follow the packet instructions; after slowly chewing it you should notice a spicy taste. Lodge it inside your cheek. Chew and lodge it intermittently for 20-30 minutes. Refrain from drinking coffee, sodas and juices before and while using the gum. Use the nicotine gum for one to three months; it is recommended that you do not exceed usage past six months. Limit your daily gum use to 20. You can devise a schedule that includes one or two gums per hour, but you can also chew it only when you experience cravings. To avoid stomach and jaw complications, chew the gum slowly and do not swallow it.
Nicotine Inhaler
A nicotine inhaler is a prescription-only nicotine replacement method. When you inhale from the inhaler, it transmits nicotine vapor into your mouth, exuding a sensation similar to a cigarette's. The inhaler comes with a cartridge inside the tube; recommended dosage is 6-16 cartridges per day, not to exceed six months. Common side effects include stomachache, coughing, and irritation of the mouth lining and throat. If you have medical conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to food or medicines, chest pain, high blood pressure or breathing problems, tell your doctor so he can ensure the inhaler will not negatively interact with your condition.
Marketed as Zyban, bupropion is a pill that is available only by prescription. By targeting the chemicals in the brain responsible for nicotine craving, bupropion lowers nicotine cravings. There is no nicotine included in bupropion and it can be used solely or in conjunction with a nicotine-replacement method. For maximum results, take bupropion one to two weeks before you stop smoking. Required daily dosage is typically 150mg. Do not take bupropion if you have a history of seizures or eating disorders.
Varenicline is marketed under the brand name Chantix. It is the most recently FDA-approved drug to help stop smoking. By blocking the brain's nicotine receptors, varenicline reduces the physical pleasure to be derived from smoking and the withdrawal symptoms. The pill should be taken with water after meals, as prescribed by your physician. Varenicline can significantly increase your likelihood of quitting smoking. Though it is typically well received, there are side effects including strange dreams, sleeping problems, nausea and vomiting, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. If you experience any side effects while using varenicline, report it to your physician at once.