What Is a Suboxone Program?
Suboxone is a narcotic prescription used for the treatment of opiate dependency. Suboxone is dispensed in a sublingual dose, which means a tablet is placed under the patient's tongue and dissolved into the bloodstream. It assists in addiction recovery by inhibiting the body's craving to use drugs, as well as minimizing detox and withdrawal symptoms. Along with the Suboxone medication, therapists, psychiatrists, neurologists and psychologists are available to meet with patients regularly, to monitor their progress with the treatment program.
Time Frame
Suboxone programs are typically offered in 30-, 60- and 90-day treatment cycles. The time frames can vary depending on the patient's commitment to the program, as well as the effect the Suboxone is having on the person's body. Physical, mental and emotional health conditions are evaluated before the program begins, at various intervals during the program and after all of the treatments have been completed.
One of the benefits to the Suboxone program is that even though the patient is strictly monitored by a doctor throughout the duration of the treatment, the patient can complete the program in an outpatient setting. They can even take the Suboxone treatments in the privacy of their own home. This beneficial feature allows patients to feel more comfortable as they make their way to recovery.
As with all medications, there are always side effects to pay attention to. The most common side effects associated with Suboxone include nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, itch, dry mouth, decreased libido and urinary retention. It is important that these adverse effects are reported to the attending physician immediately. Misuse of the Suboxone sublingual tablet can lead to severe withdrawal-like symptoms, and can be very uncomfortable for the patient.
Suboxone treatment programs can have life-changing effects for patients who are battling opiate dependency. They were developed to give people an opportunity to overcome their dependencies in a safe environment, and offer people the chance for physical, mental and emotional recovery.