What Are the Signs of Computer Addiction?
While isolation and feeling ostracized by social groups may cause a person to seek refuge on a computer, it is also a sign of computer addiction. People with serious computer addictions often stop spending time with friends and loved ones because of the need to be on the computer instead. An addicted person blows off invitations for social outings or family meals with a variety of excuses, but the real reason is for more time to surf the Internet or play computer games.
Low Self-Control
A person with great self-control when it comes to work, eating habits or spending shouldn't struggle to get off the computer by an agreed upon deadline. Losing track of time constantly when online or spending hours on the device on a day where the person promised not to use it at all are both signs of a serious computer addiction, according to Dr. James Fearing at the Intervention Center website. Non-addicted computer users are capable of setting hard limits on their use and sticking to them.
Lack of Self-Care
Like with other common addictions, a person who is addicted to computer activities may begin to stop practicing common self-care activities. This manifests as a lack of personal hygiene, irregular meals and problems sleeping. This is especially damaging to school or job performance in students and working adults.
Removing the computer that an addicted child or spouse uses often leads to severe moods swings and irritability, according to Tabi Upton's article in the "Chattanooga Times Free Press." Spending just an hour on a non-computer related activity that was once found enjoyable causes a person to lash out at others or become withdrawn. Addiction is especially indicated if signs of happiness and joy return as soon as computer access is restored.