How to Ask an Addict to Attend Counseling
Ask an addict to meet at a scheduled time and place that is comfortable and informal. Gather friends and family who share the same concerns and have them meet as well at the predetermined time. Sit down with the addict and explain the reasoning for the meeting in simple, non-accusatory language. Detail the concerns of the family and friends toward the addiction and why the intervention is now deemed necessary. Include the specific facts about how his addiction has affected and will continue to affect him physically, mentally and emotionally.
Encourage the gathered family and friends to share their concerns in a concise manner to avoid overwhelming the addict. Share stories about his addiction and how it has affected everyone's lives. Talk about the specifics of the abuse of a substance or activity and the consequences. Direct the commentary toward the purpose of the meeting -- the overall support of the addict giving up his addiction.
Compare the pros and cons for the addict in a written format so he can see what he has been doing and what he has been missing out on. In one column list only his addiction-related activities. In the other column list everything else including family and friends. Help him understand that he will be loved and supported, but the addiction must end for his own sake. Stress the positive things that could happen should he decide to seek assistance.
Discuss the options available toward seeking help. Inform him that he could change on his own with help from family and friends, he could attend group meetings, he could receive brief treatment at a rehabilitation center or an intensive treatment if the addiction is extremely severe. Help him understand the pros and cons of each type of treatment.
Ask the addict about his goals for the future along with how and when he sees these elements coming into fruition. Ask him to write these goals down for another concrete element he can review in times of need. Encourage him to write down all goals whether small or large.
Help him decide on a form of treatment and encourage him to follow the steps toward ending his addiction. Promise support at any time of the day or night and follow through on it. Provide whatever type of assistance he might require to ensure he follows the chosen program.