Types of Twelve-Step Programs
Substance Abuse
The first twelve-step group dealt with alcoholics and their addiction. Since that time, programs for narcotics, cocaine, nicotine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and general chemical addiction programs evolved to work with the addictive issues specific to other kinds of substances.
Sexual Addictions
Twelve-step programs offer support for a wide range of sexual addictions. Programs are available to assist those who worked as prostitutes and other sex workers and those who work in other types of sex industries such as strippers and sex store workers. There are programs that address specific issues of individuals who are addicted to love, sex, compulsive sex or relationships. A twelve-step program for survivors of sex abuse is also available.
Behavioral Addictions
Gamblers, workaholics, debtors, spenders and hoarders can find a group of people working on those recovery issues. Twelve-step groups are available that focus on mental health issues such as depression, schizophrenia, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurotic behavior and self-mutilation. People with multiple mental health issues can be a part of multiple twelve-step programs that address their specific needs.
Food Addictions
Individuals with compulsive eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating and overeating can find help in twelve-step programs geared toward their addiction. Some of the groups do not specify the type of eating disorder, preferring to support all who have problems with food.
Emotional Issues and Addictions
The twelve-step emotional issues programs offer support to individuals, families and couples. This can include parents with anger issues and couples who are co-dependent. Couples who belong to Couples in Recovery and the Recovering Couples groups must contain at least one member who attends another twelve-step program.
Artistic Support
The Artists Recovering Through the Twelve Steps (ARTS) group provides a unique way for artists with creative blocks to deal with their issues of feeling unworthy or sabotaging their success. This group opens its doors to creative artists of all kinds. Members agree to cherish their own creativity and that of others.
Non-Specific Recovery
Some twelve-step programs accept people with any kind of addictive behavior. This includes the Recoveries Anonymous, the Solution Focused Twelve Step Fellowship and All Addictions Anonymous groups. Members in these groups will discover loving support and safety no matter what their addictive behaviors.
Supporting Family and Friends
Family and friends of addicts can also join twelve-step programs that focus on their needs and issues. These groups provide much-needed support and information for those who are involved with and care about someone with an addiction. The support group may be the only place where they can be open and honest about their feelings and situation.