How to Calculate the Effectiveness of an Intervention
Things You'll Need
- Interventionist
- Friends
- Family
- Written statement
- Rehab center
Speak with an interventionist about the nature and extent of the problem before planning the intervention. This will help provide you with the right approach for your particular circumstances. For instance, an intervention for a young woman with an alcohol abuse problem can differ from an intervention for a middle-aged man with an addiction to pain killers. Visit the Association of Intervention Specialists website to find a reputable interventionist. Look for someone with good ratings who also specializes in interventions with the particular destructive behavior your family is battling.
Contact those who should be present at the intervention, usually close friends and family members. Explain the nature of the problem to them and ask them to prepare a statement for use during the intervention. The statements must include details of how the addiction has affected their lives and recommendations that the addict seek help.
Write your own statement about how the addiction has affected your life. Remain positive in the letter and refrain from judgment. An overly aggressive and accusatory stance can cause your loved one to leave before the intervention finishes.
Choose a rehabilitation center that suits your loved one's needs. For example, some centers specialize in alcohol abuse while others may specialize in other forms destructive or addictive behavior. Religious rehabilitation centers (i.e., Christian rehabilitation centers) and luxury centers are available as well. Provide the center with the date of the intervention so it knows when to expect your family member or friend.
Pick a day where everyone who must be involved can be there for the intervention. Ideally, your intervention specialist will direct the intervention.
Stay firm about your commitment to seek help for the addict after the intervention ends. Failing to stick to consequences if your loved one fails to seek treatment dramatically lowers the calculated success rate of an intervention.