Questions on Substance Abuse Evaluation
Substance History
Evaluations involve many questions regarding the individual's history of substance use and abuse. These questions include the age that the individual started using as well as her patterns of use and how the use or abuse has affected her life. Questions around how the use has negatively impacted the individual may help the individual to start to understand her need for treatment. Other questions about substance history include the history of familial use, since there are both social and biological aspects to addiction.
Mental Health History
Mental health history is an important component to a substance abuse evaluation. Since many people have both substance abuse and mental health problems, these questions are aimed to help the clinician better understand these two issues and to see if there is a relationship between them. Questions asked often include if the individual has been diagnosed with a mental illness; when this diagnosis was made and under what circumstances; if he has been treated for mental illness and if the treatment helped. Questions with regard to substance use and symptoms of mental illness are also asked. For instance, the clinician will want to know if substance use increases when the individual discontinues psychiatric medications, as this indicates an attempt at self-medication.
Social History
The clinician also asks questions with regard to social and familial history. Although the connection between these questions and substance abuse may not be obvious at first, patterns may emerge that give the clinician insight into the individual's substance use. These questions often include history of physical or sexual abuse and significant losses, such as death or divorce. These questions may show a pattern of using substances during times of stress or change, or using them to cope with the trauma of past abuse.
Substance abuse evaluations are also used to measure the extent to which the substance is currently interfering with the individual's functioning. Questions asked include how often the substance is used, what physical symptoms are experienced and if substance use has impacted interpersonal relationships. Physical symptoms often include unexplained illnesses, weight gain and loss, frequent hangovers and signs and symptoms of withdrawal. Social issues such as strained relationships and even domestic violence can also be related to substance abuse.