Early Signs of Ear Infection
Time Frame
Middle ear infections usually start two to seven days after a cold or another type of upper respiratory infection.
Symptoms associated with an ear infection include ear pain that can be classified from mild to severe. Symptoms include: Fluid build up, dizziness, ringing, a popping sensation and a feeling of pressure in the ear and side of the face.
Thick and yellow or even bloody drainage coming from the ear canal are signs of an infection. If drainage from the ear is bloody, this can mean the eardrum has burst. Though these ruptures usually heal within a few weeks by themselves, seek medical care.
Infant Earaches
An infant may pull, tug or rub the ear to relieve the pain of pressure. Fever, trouble sleeping and hearing along with vomiting are also early signs of an ear infection. As another indication of infection, a child may become inattentive and cranky.
According to web MD.com, children under the age of 3 are most likely to get ear infections. Allergies, a family history involving repeat ear infections and medical conditions such as cleft palate or Down syndrome also increase the risk of an ear infection. Exposure to smoke as well as bottle-feeding and pacifier use have also been linked to ear infections.