How to Evaluate Digital Hearing AIDS
Things You'll Need
- Current Hearing Test
At Home Evaluation
Compare the features available on digital hearing aids to your needs, and determine what features would benefit you. When you shop for digital hearing aids you'll notice tiers or levels of technology and price. Simply put, digital hearing aids have either low, middle, or high end technology.
Low level digital technology simply converts sound to a digital signal, providing enhanced sound quality but not distinguishing between speech and noises. Low level technology works best in quiet.
Middle level technology has digital sound processing; noise controlling features to help you hear better in noise; feedback controls to stop embarrassing hearing aid screeching; and built in loud sound control for comfort. Middle level technology works best in quiet, moderate noise, and small social settings.
High end technology boasts amazing features like blue tooth technology, wireless features, full range noise suppression, speech enhancement, multiple memory programs accessible via remote control, environmental sampling systems, and artificial intelligence. Think of having very advanced micro computers for your ears. High level digital hearing aids work best in all situations especially noise and large social settings.
Determine what level of digital hearing aid technology best fits your lifestyle. If you're a homebody, retired, or not very active, you could do well with low level technology, but you would still benefit from the comfort features of middle and high level digital hearing aids. If you're very active, social, working, and regularly around noise, you may want to consider middle to high level digital hearing aid technology.
Factor the price of digital hearing aids into your budget. Medicare and most insurance plans do not cover the cost of hearing aids. Check with your insurance provider first. Decide on a price range for digital hearing aids you're comfortable with. Low level aids range from $500 to $1,500 per aid. Middle level range from $1,500 to $2,500 per aid. And high level range from $2,500 to $5,000 per aid.
Making the Digital Desicion
Make an appointment for a free hearing test with a local hearing clinic. You will gain important information for evaluating digital hearing aids after the exam. As the specialist explains the results of your hearing test he will also offer you solutions for your hearing loss. You will get a better idea of digital hearing aid options, prices, and features.
Ask the specialist about the specific technology level you've decided on. Find out prices, features, and benefits of the digital hearing aids in your chosen technology tier.
Try on digital hearing aids during your evaluation. Hearing aid dispensing offices will have "demo" digital hearing aids. Ask the specialist to program a pair of hearing aids and demonstrate how they work for you.
Seek multiple opinions before purchasing digital hearing aids. Make appointments for free hearing tests at 3 to 4 licensed hearing aid clinics. The more information you collect and the more types of hearing aids you try on, the more confident you'll be in your final decision to purchase digital hearing aids.