Legal Definition of Hearing Impaired
Hearing impairment is the limited ability to detect, differentiate, or process sound. The severity of a hearing loss is determined by an audiologist after he conducts a hearing test on a patient. The test includes but is not limited to the patient responding to a series of beeps, repeating words, and listening to words with excess background noise. A speech impediment, garbled speech, or a severe lisp are all signs of possible hearing loss.
According to USLegal Definitions, a hearing impairment is a full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds. It can range from a mild hearing loss to total deafness. The U.S. Census Bureau uses the ADA's definition of impairment and expands upon it to say a person is hearing impaired if he or she is over 16 years old and has difficulty performing one or more functional activities, including hearing or speaking.
In accordance with, hearing impairment affects over 31 million Americans--about 10 percent of the population. Of the hearing-impaired population, only about 23 percent actually use a hearing aid.
It can be difficult to tell if someone is hearing impaired; it is often referred to as "the invisible disability." Hearing aids are sometimes impossible to see, and if the hearing-impaired person does not have a speech impediment, it can be easy to forget that he is impaired.
Famous Ties
Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to graduate from college and was also a world-famous speaker and author. Ludwig Van Beethoven became completely deaf, but managed to play music and succeed as one of the greatest musicians and composers in history.