Tobacco's Effect on Ears
The ear works by sounds waves vibrating off three bones: the malleus, incus and stapes. The space in the ear must remain clear for proper function, but tobacco upsets this process.
The Michigan Ear Institute claims smoking tobacco increases the production of fluid in the middle ear. It also immobilizes the tiny hairs that are responsible for clearing the fluid. This leads to ear disease.
Michigan Ear Institute also claims smoking can affect the ears by lowering blood flow to the middle ear. This in turn leads to nerve deafness.
Expert Insight
In a study led by Dr. Zoran Becvarovski and Dr. Jack M. Kartush, smokers having surgery to correct ear diseases had more severe middle ear disease than nonsmokers.
The American Council on Science and Health states smokers are more likely to require surgery to correct middle ear disease as nonsmokers with poorer results. Also, those around second-hand smoke, especially children, are more prone to ear infections.