Home Treatment for Odor From Ear Infection

Ear infections are never pleasant. Whether the infection is your own, your child's or your pet's, the pain can sometimes be unbearable. Another side effect of having otitis media (ear infection) is the odor associated with the pus that is generated. If you notice a foul smell in yours or a family member's ear, you will want to take care of it. It will go away once the infection clears, but the quicker the better.
  1. Homemade Drops

    • If the ear infection is causing quite a bit of pain, you should seek medical attention. There always is the possibility of an eardrum rupture with infections. If you have just begun experiencing symptoms and want to nip it in the bud, there are several home remedies. Clearing up the odor is a direct result of clearing up the infection. One time-tested remedy is to use two drops of garlic oil followed by two drops of lobelia tincture (found at your local health food store). Lobelia is related to the tobacco plant and has stimulant properties as well. In fact, lobelia was marketed for a while as a tobacco substitute for people who were attempting to quit.
      Another herbal remedy to try is a weak solution of tea tree (melaleuca) oil. Mix one part tea tree oil to three parts distilled water. Warm it slightly and place a few drops in the effected ear. The aromatic property of tea tree oil might help to mask the odor while the oil's antibacterial properties kill the odor at its source.
      If you want to clear up the odor and the infection fast, or you are unable to run to the health-food store to get the previous ingredients, you can try hydrogen peroxide. Most people keep this on hand in their medicine cabinet. Lay on your side with one ear pointing up to the ceiling. Use a child's medicine dropper or a plastic drinking straw to drop a small amount (two or three drops) of hydrogen peroxide into the ear. Let it fizz for about 30 seconds. You will hear some strange noises, but it should not hurt. Hold a tissue or washcloth to the treated ear and let any excess peroxide drain out. Rinse your ear (or ears) gently with warm water. This remedy might lift wax or pus out of the ear canal so you can remove it. Removing this pus helps to lessen the offending odor in your ear.


    • Use extreme caution when treating your ears. The eardrum is just a thin membrane that can rupture if stretched too far.
      Although lobelia is related to tobacco, it has different properties. It is not recommended to use tobacco in the place of lobelia for ear treatment.
      Do not use any home remedy for more than three days. If your symptoms don't improve in three days, you should see a physician.

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