How to Treat Glue Ear
Recognize the symptoms of glue ear, including difficulty hearing. You may suddenly notice that your hearing is muffled. Your ear may also seem full or heavy. If you have a young child, he may suddenly not respond when you call him. He might sit closer to the TV or turn up the volume louder than before.
See your doctor about your glue ear symptoms. He will examine your ears for signs, which include air bubbles, fluid behind the eardrum or problems with eardrum movement. If your doctor suspects glue ear, he will investigate further using a tympanometer to generate sound into the ear canal and measure how much sound comes back.
Observe your glue ear symptoms for two to three weeks. According to the U.S. Library of Medicine, nearly all cases of glue ear resolve themselves without further treatment. Your doctor will schedule a checkup within a few weeks to monitor your symptoms.
Evaluate any environmental factors that may affect the health of your middle ear. Allergies often cause ear problems, so avoid allergy triggers such as dust or pollen. If you have a weakened immune system, take measures to boost it. Keep small children with glue ear away from cigarette smoke, as the U.S. Library of Medicine says that it can aggravate ear infections and other conditions.