How to Make My Ears Quit Ringing
Things You'll Need
- Ear plugs
- Hearing aid
Wear ear plugs or noise-canceling headphones when exposed to loud noises--such as live concerts or construction--that can cause or worsen tinnitus. Exposure to loud noises is a common cause of tinnitus, according to, so plan ahead for noisy situations by bringing ear plugs.
Experiment with herbal or mineral supplements like magnesium, zinc, ginkgo biloba or B vitamins. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements because research on their effectiveness is inconclusive. However, since they have little health risk, according to the ATA, many doctors will often allow you to try supplement therapy.
Treat your negative emotional reaction to tinnitus by undergoing cognitive therapy. A counselor will help you identify and redirect patterns of negative thinking. Therapists will usually supplement cognitive therapy with additional therapies or medication.
Ask your doctor about available drugs for tinnitus. Antidepressants, antihistamines and anticonvulsants are just a few of the many drugs used to treat symptoms of tinnitus. No drug has yet been proven to cure tinnitus, but the right drug may help in managing your symptoms.
Use a hearing aid or some other amplification device. Often tinnitus causes hearing loss, so a sound-amplification mechanism may help cover up tinnitus with natural sounds, according to the ATA.
Try an alternative treatment such as hypnotherapy or acupuncture. According to A2Z of Health, Beauty and Fitness, such treatments have been used with a range of success. These more natural remedies can be adapted specifically to your individual condition and may lower its severity over time.
Alter your diet by reducing your caffeine and salt intake. Also, limit consumption of nicotine. Caffeine, salt and nicotine all slow down blood flow to your ear drums. Limiting their consumption may better maintain a healthy blood pressure and reduce your ear ringing.
Exercise regularly. When you exercise, blood flow to the ears is increased. This can help stifle the ringing and further regulate blood pressure.