Reasons for Ringing in the Ears & Dizziness

Ringing in the ears is called tinnitus. Although the name implies a ringing noise, there are numerous sounds associated with the condition including buzzing, roaring, and whistling. There are many different reasons why this area might be affected.
  1. Inner Ear Infection

    • One of the most common reasons for the combination of ringing in the ears and dizziness is an inner ear infection. The symptoms dissipate when the infection is treated.

    Acoustic Neuroma

    • An acoustic neuroma is caused by a genetic defect that allows slow growing, benign tumors to occur on the nerve that connects the ear to the brain. Ringing in the ear and dizziness are common symptoms.

    Meniere's Disease

    • Meniere's disease occurs suddenly and often begins with ringing in the ears and whirling dizziness. The illness is thought to be caused by a membrane rupture in the inner ear that disturbs the fluids inside.

    Vestibular Migraine

    • Migraine symptoms can vary widely, but those that include dizziness and ringing in the ears are called vestibular. The symptoms may not occur at the same time as the migraine.

    Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder

    • TMJ is a jaw joint disorder that is commonly accompanied by dizziness and ear ringing.

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