Why Do My Ears Hurt When I Fly in an Airplane?
Ear pain is caused by unequal pressure between the outer and middle ears.
The Eustachian Tubes
The Eustachian tubes connect the middle and outer ear and equalize pressure between them.
The tubes can become narrow during flight, preventing the equalization of pressure. According to yourownhealth.com, this can cause ear pain or muffled hearing.
To help equalize pressure, chew gum or swallow deliberately. Also try holding your nose shut and, with your mouth closed, very carefully blow until the ears pop.
Avoid flying if your allergies are flaring up or if you have a cold, which makes the Eustachian tubes even narrower. You may also want to take a decongestant a few hours before flying to open up the passages in your ears and allow them to pop more easily.