Why Do My Ears Hurt When I Fly in an Airplane?

Ear pain is one of the most uncomfortable parts of flying in an airplane. Pain usually occurs during take-off and landing, when the air pressure in the cabin changes.
  1. Cause

    • Ear pain is caused by unequal pressure between the outer and middle ears.

    The Eustachian Tubes

    • The Eustachian tubes connect the middle and outer ear and equalize pressure between them.


    • The tubes can become narrow during flight, preventing the equalization of pressure. According to yourownhealth.com, this can cause ear pain or muffled hearing.


    • To help equalize pressure, chew gum or swallow deliberately. Also try holding your nose shut and, with your mouth closed, very carefully blow until the ears pop.


    • Avoid flying if your allergies are flaring up or if you have a cold, which makes the Eustachian tubes even narrower. You may also want to take a decongestant a few hours before flying to open up the passages in your ears and allow them to pop more easily.

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