How to Use Baby Oil to Relieve Itchy Ears

The human ear canal is full of neural fibers that are sensitive to touch. If skin is too dry and becomes flaky, these neural fibers are easily agitated, thus producing the "itchy" sensation inside one's ear. For those suffering from it, itchy ear is a maddening condition, that unfortunately, tends to be a chronic one. It is best to first seek the opinon of an Ears, Nose and Threat (ENT) specialist. However, baby oil, available over-the-counter, is basically mineral oil with fragrance to help skin retain moisture, thus easing the itching sensation.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton ball
  • Baby oil
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  1. Applying Baby Oil To Your Ears

    • 1

      Apply baby oil to cotton ball. Allow a cotton ball to become saturated.

    • 2

      Tilt your head to the left side and place the saturated cotton ball on the outside of ear canal. Hold your head in this position for a few minutes.

    • 3

      Repeat step 2 for the right side. Repeat the procedure daily for several days.

    • 4

      Sleep with one cotton ball that is dampened with baby oil placed near the entrance to the ear canal. Position your head in a comfortable position that keeps the cotton ball in place.

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