Home Remedy for Cauliflower Ear From Wrestling
Home Remedy
If you have been struck in the ear and excessive blood or fluid is present under the skin, apply a cold compress immediately. This will help reduce the pain, swelling and blood flow. Next, you will need to drain the ear to prevent permanent damage. This should be done within 24 hours after the injury. The procedure is ideally performed by a doctor, but can also be done at home. Head to the drug store and purchase some antibacterial solution, a sterile syringe, some gauze and a compressive bandage. Clean the outer ear with the solution. Using the syringe, penetrate the swollen area, and slowly withdraw the blood until the ear resembles normal size. Clean the area again with antibacterial solution to prevent infection. Apply the gauze and compressive bandage, making sure the skin on the ear is pressed down firmly. This will keep the cartilage and skin in contact, resurrecting the blood supply and allowing the ear to heal.
After the procedure, continue to wear a compressive bandage on the ear for at least seven days to maintain contact between the cartilage and the skin, and to help prevent blood from refilling under the skin. Check periodically to see if blood is present. Repeat the extraction process if blood re-enters the ear. Applying a cold compress for a maximum of 15 minutes each hour will also help reduce pain and swelling. If blood repeatedly enters the ear or infection develops, consult a doctor immediately.
While the ear is healing, refrain from training or competing as any contact with the ear could cause it to refill with fluids and add to the damage. If you must train or compete, wear protective headgear. Wrestlers, boxers and mixed-martial artists can also apply petroleum jelly to their ears to reduce friction during a match.