How to Reduce Inflammation of an Ear Infection
An inflammation of the ear, also known as otitis media, is usually connected to an infection of the throat or eustachian tube. Inflammation can also be triggered by a cold or sore throat. The Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford reports that while inflammation can occur in adults, more than 80 percent of children have an ear infection before they reach the age of three. It is more common in children because their immune systems have not fully developed. Ear inflammation is often associated with soreness, congestion and trouble hearing. No matter who gets an inflamed ear, there are ways to relieve the condition.Instructions
See a doctor for antibiotics. Make sure you take the antibiotics until they are completely gone.
Take mild pain relievers such as ibuprofen. When an ear is inflamed, the soreness can be uncomfortable.
Use decongestant nose drops. The drops can aid the eustachian tube to drain, easing the pressure and pain in the middle ear.
Consider having tubes placed in the eardrum if the inflammation happens repeatedly. The tubes help to drain the middle ear.
Have your lymph nodes in the roof of your mouth examined. If they are infected, the removal of the lymph nodes can relieve inflammation in the ear.