How to Spot Meniere's Disease Symptoms
Pay attention to vertigo or dizziness.
Caused by extra fluid gathering in the inner ear, Meniere's disease leads to a sense of a spinning room or dizziness. This symptom can range from chronic and severe to rare and mild. Generally speaking, the conditions will worsen over time without treatment.
Take note of tinnitus.
Tinnitus is characterized by a constant ringing in the ear. It can come and go, but often is most noticeable in silence. For some Meniere's disease patients it can sound more like an ongoing waterfall. This is caused by hearing damage that makes the mind think the ear is constantly hearing noise even when it is not.
Report any loss of hearing.
Meniere's disease currently has no cure. Meniere's generally gets worse without treatment causing more severe episodes of vertigo and increasing loss of hearing beginning usually in the lower tones. Some hearing will return after episodes, but over time Meniere's disease will permanently damage hearing. Some Meniere's disease cases end in total hearing loss.
Mention any pressure in your ear.
Your health care provider needs to be aware of any and all of these Meniere's disease symptoms as they present themselves. Pressure in the ear is a sign of a build up of fluid characteristic of Meniere's disease. Be sure to see your physician if any of these symptoms present themselves.
* See more tips and information on Meniere's disease below.