Remedies for Sore Ears
There are three parts to the ear; the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. These parts of the ear are used for either hearing or balance, and any infection or change can easily cause painful problems as well as balance issues. Symptoms of a sore ear or earache often include swelling, pain, itching, hearing loss or a thick discharge from the ear.
Home Remedies
If you are experiencing a soreness or earache, try applying heat to the painful ear. You can use a heating pad or a warm cloth placed against your ear to help relieve the pain. If that doesn't work, try pouring a small amount of garlic juice in your ear. Garlic juice contains a natural antibiotic that will help heal the infection.
If your ear is aching after you have gone swimming recently, you may have swimmer's ear, which is a fungal infection of the ear caused by water getting trapped inside. If you plan on swimming again, make sure to put mineral oil in your ear before you get into the water as this will help protect the infection from getting worse.
Another remedy to try is to warm onion juice and place a few drops in your ear at bedtime. This will help ease the pain and cure the infection. You could also take warm mustard oil and place a few drops in your ear to help with the pain.
Place a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide in your ear to help cure the infection. If you don't have hydrogen peroxide, warm some olive oil and place three drops in your ear to help soothe the pain of infection.
Take two pieces of garlic and place them in 2 tsps. of mustard oil. Heat this mixture until it turns black. Let it cool and then put three drops in your ear. This will help ease the pain of the earache and work to cure the infection.
If you find your earache or soreness is getting worse, visit your doctor for immediate medical attention. Your infection may have become worse, which requires the doctor to possibly remove any buildup of wax or fluid in order for the infection to heal.