How to Relieve Fluid in Ears
Wait and see. Fluid build-up in the ears usually resolves itself in about a week without any medical intervention. If the fluid build-up is so bad that fluid begins to leak out of the middle ear, there's still no cause for alarm. Ear infections that cause the ear to leak fluid usually resolve themselves within three days. You may experience discomfort while you wait it out, but eventually time will relieve fluid in ears. If you choose to wait and see, you might consider visiting the doctor after your symptoms go away to make sure everything looks healthy.
Take an antibiotic prescribed by a doctor. Antibiotics can help fight the infection caused when fluid builds up in the ears. Fluid build-up in the ear occurs when the cilia that line the eustachian tube become inactive. Taking erythromycin antibiotics can help stimulate the cilia, encouraging the fluid to drain.
Try to relieve the pain with over-the-counter pain medication. Antibiotics will help get rid of the infection, allowing the fluid to drain in the ear, but antibiotics don't take care of the discomfort caused by fluid build-up. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help relieve the pain while you wait for the fluid to drain.
Consider surgery. If ear infections are a chronic issue, occurring several times over the course of a year, ask your doctor about a pressure equalization or tympanostomy tube. Doctors can insert a tube in each ear which opens up the eustachian tube, allowing fluid to drain through the tube instead of building up and causing infection. Surgery is highly effective with minimal side effects. However, it's only for people who have chronic fluid build-up in the ear.