Remedy for Cold in Ears
Make an appointment with your doctor if you are experiencing ear pain or a significant feeling of blockage. Your doctor will be able to determine whether you simply have a cold in your ears or if you are suffering from a serious ear infection. The doctor will also check to see if you have wax buildup that must be cleaned out. Finally, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for you if necessary.
Take the full course of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Read the instructions that come on the bottle, follow them, and take the pills with food if necessary to avoid an upset stomach. If you have difficulty swallowing, take your pills with juice or in a spoon with a thicker substance such as applesauce. Finish the entire bottle of pills even if you feel better after a few days.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Use hydrogen peroxide to clean away bacteria and break up any wax trapped inside you ear. Carefully pour hydrogen peroxide into the bottle cap, approximately halfway. Next, lie with your head down on one side, with your sore ear facing up. Have someone assist you in pouring the cap full of hydrogen peroxide into your ear canal. Allow it to sit for a couple minutes to cleanse your ear. It will make a bubbling sound. Finally, turn your sore ear face down onto a hand towel and allow any excess hydrogen peroxide to drain out.
Avoid Water
Take preventive measures to keep water out of your ears while you are recovering from your ear cold. Do not go swimming or submerge your head in the bathtub. When you bathe, take care not to let water get into your ears. It may be necessary to place earplugs or cotton balls in your ears to block the water while bathing until you are well.