Natural Remedies for Fluid in the Ears
Fluid buildup in the ear is usually caused by a blockage in the eustachian tube. Or the cilia, the small hairs that line the eustachian tube, may be inactive and fail to push out the fluid. The blockage can be caused by environmental irritants, a cold, sinus infections, swimming or contaminants.
Natural Remedies
Keep your head elevated to encourage the fluid to drain out the ears and down the throat. Use a warm compress to relieve the pain and to promote fluid drainage. Use a heating pad (covered with a cloth) or a put a towel in the dryer for a few minutes. Lay down on your side, problem ear down, with the heated compress underneath. Rest for half an hour while the fluid drains from the ear. You also can use a hair dryer, held several inches away from the ear, to dry the fluid.
Use hydrogen peroxide to help dry and heal the ears. Tilt your head so the ear is toward the ceiling. Use a dropper to dispense several drops in the ear. Keep your head tilted for about 5 to10 minutes. If you can, lay on your side before adding the drops. This will make the waiting period much easier. Repeat two or three times a day.
The Mayo Clinic suggests using a teaspoon of one part white vinegar and one part rubbing alcohol in each ear before and after swimming to stop bacteria from growing.