Natural Cures for Positional Vertigo
Exercise Therapy
Illness, head trauma and sometimes the aging process can cause small crystals of calcium carbonate, or canaliths, to move from the inner ear and collect in one or both ear canals. As the head moves, these crystals stimulate nerve hairs to send signals indicating motion to the brain. Canalith repositioning exercises attempt to break up or move these crystals and stop motion signals from transmitting to the brain.
Brandt-Daroff, the Epley maneuver and the Semont-Liberatory maneuver are three types of exercises that can be performed at home. Of these, the Epley maneuver appears to be the most successful, however the decision as to which will be best for you depends on where in the ear canal your doctor determines the crystals reside. All involve performing a series of head movements, both from a sitting and a prone position, multiple times per day over a period of a few days to a few weeks.
Awareness is the key to prevention. Any activity that requires head movement, especially lifting the head up, can trigger positional vertigo. Try not to sleep flat on your back and avoid getting out of bed quickly. If only one ear is affected, sleep on the opposite side. If both ears are affected, try sleeping on your stomach. Think about things you do, such as going to the dentist and having your hair washed at the beauty parlor, before doing them.
Individuals suffering from positional vertigo should refrain from smoking. Avoid sporting activities that require you to move about quickly or have a higher potential for head injury, such as football, racquetball or horseback riding.
Adequate fluid intake is essential for control of positional vertigo symptoms. Avoid beverages that have a dehydrating effect on the body and can disturb the fluid balance within the ear, such as alcohol and caffeine. Foods containing high levels of sugar and salt also can have a dehydrating effect. monosodium glutamate, or MSG, a salt-based flavor enhancer found in many foods, exaggerates the effects of dehydration and is high on the list of food items to avoid. Foods high in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are a good choice.
Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplements are not an overnight cure and do not work for everyone. Dietary supplements also are not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Trial and error will determine whether they work for you. According to studies done with patients suffering from vertigo, the following nutritional supplements have shown some success in combating its effects:
Ginkgo biloba helps to increase oxygen flow to the brain, ears and other bodily tissues
Ginger helps decrease nausea and blood flow throughout the body
Vitamin B6 can help with nausea and work to boost the effect of ginger