Alternative to Tubes in Ears
Preventing Ear Infections
To boost immunity, children prone to ear infections should eat fruits and vegetables and take a daily supplement with zinc and vitamins A and C. Dr. Sokitch, Director of Heart to Heart Medical Center in Santa Rosa, California, recommends one or two teaspoons flax oil daily during pregnancy and breast feeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests breast feeding for at least the first six months, while the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends over 12.
Both the CDC and AAP advocate vaccinating to fight infection-causing cold and flu bacteria and viruses. Minimizing your child's exposure to others when ill, hand washing, and disinfecting surfaces with a solution 1 part bleach to 10 parts water also help.
To reduce ear infection frequency keep your child away from air pollution and second hand smoke. Reduce or eliminate pacifiers in the second six months and tilt bottle feeding children upright, rather than flat on their back, to prevent fluid backup into ears.
Non-surgical Treatments
The CDC advises that children get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, use a humidifier or cool mist vaporizer, and put a warm moist cloth over the aching ear. The AAP finds that many ear infections clear without treatment.
Ear pain can be controlled with acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or auralgan. Antivirals like Tamiflu and Relenza, as well as antibiotics, antihistamines, nasal steroid sprays and other anti-allergy medications are prescribed to treat ear infections. Antibiotics may cause allergic reactions and side effects, or decrease in effectiveness as bacteria develop resistance.
According to Dr. Sokitch, allergies to dairy, wheat, eggs, chocolate, citrus, corn, soy, nuts, shellfish, sugar and yeast worsen ear infections. Switch from cow's milk to enriched rice beverages. Substitute foods with similar nutritional value for those your child is allergic to.
Both Dr. Sokitch and Dr. Erin Elster, a Colorado Upper Cervical Specialist, suggest chiropractic realignment of bones and tissues to correct blockages of Eustachian tubes, passages which drain fluid from ears to throat. Dr. William LeLiever's prescription "Ear Popper" claims to open Eustachian tubes and allow drainage.
Extracting wax and impurities from the ear with a burning wick or smoke and a long cone, known as ear candling or coning, is not recommended. According to Dr. Lisa Roazen, candling is both ineffective and dangerous.