Alternative Therapy for Ringing in the Ears
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupressure involves placing deep thumb pressure on pressure points for one minute by a specialist. Acupuncture works a similar way with the insertion of needles into specific points in the body. This ancient Chinese method of pricking the skin or tissues with needles is widely practiced in the West. Seek ongoing acupuncture or acupressure appointments to decrease the level of ringing in the ears.
Aromatherapy uses aromatic plant extracts and essential oils as treatment. The combination of smelling botanical oils and massage has been useful to Tinnitus sufferers. Add essential basil oil to the bath, inhale it directly or diffuse to perfume an entire room. According to Holistic Online, Ttinnitus symptoms can be prevented and kept at bay by inhaling basil oil at least three times a day.
Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu system of medicine from India. Ayurveda means "The Science of Life" according to Ayurveda College. It is based on the idea of using herbs, diet, color, sound and aromas to heal and balance bodily systems. An Ayurvedic remedy to treat ringing in the ears includes placing 3 drops of garlic oil into the ear before going to bed. Use a cotton ball to keep the garlic from falling out of the ear canal and onto pillows and sheets. Garlic oil can be purchased at health food stores in gel capsules or in a vial with a dropper.
Massage and Chiropractic Treatments
Chiropractic manipulation and jaw massage aids those with ringing in the ears. Gently massage the hollow pockets between the earlobes and the jaw line for a few minutes a day. Chiropractic manipulation is believed to improve blood flow and circulation to the ears. Use massage with deep breathing exercises and mediation to treat tinnitus. Many people experience ringing in the ears when they are stressed out and deep breathing exercises are used for stress management. Practice yoga for an hour a day or other stress reducing activities that are effective in incorporating relaxation.
Supplements and Diet
Nutritional supplements like ginko biloba, rosemary and black cohosh are used to treat tinnitus. Buy these herbs at a health food store or from an herbalist and follow the directions as indicated on the label. A change in diet that increases intake of foods rich in B vitamins, minerals, zinc and magnesium has been helpful with reducing irritable ear ringing.