Naturopathic Earache Remedies
Pain Relief
Placing a damp, cold washcloth or compress on the ear for about 20 minutes is a simple way to ease earache pain. Another item found in most households that can help is olive oil, provided the eardrum has not been perforated or punctured. Wet a cotton ball with the oil, squeeze out the excess moisture, and place it in the ear until pain subsides. Similarly, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide can provide relief. A more exotic natural remedy can be found in plantain leaves. While ancient healers pounded the leaves to extract their juice, modern earache sufferers can buy the finished product from herb retailers or health food stores.
Pressure Reduction
Pressure is the source of the pain that makes earaches so uncomfortable. While some treatments require lying on one side to allow an elixir to flow into the ear, it may eventually cause discomfort. Sometimes lying down can worsen pressure, so relaxing in an elevated position, such as in a reclining chair, can help. Chewing gum can also provide some relief, and swallowing several times can reduce pressure as well. Since blockage of the Eustachian tube (the narrow passage from the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear which allows pressure to be equalized on each side of the eardrum) can cause earaches, using a neti pot on an adult, or mildly flushing a child's nose with water, may ease congestion. Lessening the ear pressure should lead to pain reduction.
Accupressure and Massage
While a visit to an acupuncturist or doctor might be in order when an infection is involved, acupressure can be performed at home for moderate earaches. A simple method is to place the thumb about a half-inch beneath the collarbone, and gently rub toward the right and downward in a sort of half-circle. Do this massage technique for 5 to 10 minutes. To stimulate drainage, press lightly just under the ears, then do the same following just under the line of the jawbone. This is where the Eustachian tubes are located.