Ear Drops Recipe for Drying the Ear
Otitis Externa
Otitis externa is caused by constant moisture in the ear canal. This moisture will eventually begin to break down the ear canal lining, which makes this sensitive area more susceptible to infection. Also, the continuous moisture will begin to dislodge and break down earwax, which actually acts as a moisture barrier and protects the ear canal. Once water becomes trapped in the canal, bacterial and fungal growths can occur, causing infection. Two ways to prevent this from happening is to wear earplugs when swimming and avoid water masses with a high bacteria count, such as lakes and ponds.
Ear Drops
Another way to prevent otitis externa is by drying out the ear using a special ear drop recipe after swimming or bathing. These drying ear drops can be purchased in stores, usually with reference to "swimmer's ear" on the front of the box. However, you can make these ear drops at home. Dr. Eicher recommends a solution of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol acidified with white vinegar. Combine 1 part alcohol with 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water, then use an eyedropper to drip 3 to 4 drops into the ear canal. The alcohol will keep the ear canal dry, while the vinegar lowers the pH level of the ear canal. The lower pH actually helps keep bacteria growth down, preventing infection.
If you have swimmer's ear that develops into more severe otitis externa, it is important to see your doctor or medical practitioner. This infection can cause severe pain, swelling and discharge from the ear canal. If this occurs, keep the ears dry using earplugs when showering before your doctor's visit. Doctors will often prescribe antibiotic steroid drops to treat the otitis externa.
If otitis externa is left untreated, more serious illnesses can develop. These include mastoiditis, epidural abscess and meningitis. Although rare, it is important to treat the infection as soon as possible to avoid these illnesses.