Homeopathic Way to Cure an Ear Infection
Common Symptoms
Children with an ear infection will usually hit, rub or pull on their ears or cry and get fussy. A high fever, waking at night, dizziness, vomiting and irritability may also be signs of an ear infection in your child. Recurring or untreated ear infections may lead to impaired hearing and learning delays.
Adult ear infection symptoms may include pain in the ear, temporary hearing loss, fever, dizziness and blockage in the ear. Consult a doctor if you suspect you or your child has an ear infection.
Homeopathic Remedies
All of these homeopathic remedies are appropriate for both children and adults.
Belladonna is useful at the beginning of an ear infection, particularly if symptoms have suddenly appeared and weariness and fever are present.
Try pulsatilla for infections that are mild and not very painful and for symptoms of thick nasal discharge that lingers.
Adults and children can take hepar-sulph for ear pain of any kind, and this remedy can also be used for a child that is ill-tempered or fussy and the ear is sensitive to touch.
Chamomilla is more appropriate for children than adults. Give chamomilla if the ear pain increases when your child bends over. Other indications for this remedy include ear pain caused by teething, grumpiness and skin that feels moist and hot. Adults can take this remedy to calm the nerves and ease inflammation of the ear.
Try kali muriaticum for a clogged eustachian tube caused by a stuffy nose and swollen glands.
Use ferrum phosphoricum to relieve the initial symptoms of pain and inflammation associated with an ear infection. This remedy also helps to keep pus from forming. Other possible symptoms may include fever, fatigue and a warm and pink outer ear.
For both children and adults, choose one homeopathic remedy that best correlates with the symptoms and begin with a lower potency. Lower potencies range from 6X to 30C. For higher potencies, or if you're unsure of the proper dosage and treatment, consult a trained homeopath. Read package instructions carefully. Generally, children can be given two pellets every one to three hours while alert. Only one homeopathic medicine should be given at a time. Switch to another remedy if symptoms don't improve. Homeopathy encourages the body to heal itself naturally, so if you notice symptoms getting better, cease using the remedy and wait. If the symptoms return, then continue using the remedy. Keep in mind that fevers are beneficial. They show that the body is battling the illness.
Consult your medical doctor before taking homeopathic medicines. Some homeopathic remedies may interact with other herbs, supplements and over-the-counter and prescription drugs.