Alternative Ear Wax Removal
Using Olive or Baby Oil
Olive oil, or even baby oil, serves as a useful ear wax removal product. Simply put a few drops of oil into one of your ears, keep it raised for about five minutes so that the oil stays there, and then lie down on a towel to let it seep out. Repeat the process with the other ear. You could do this once every day, as both olive oil and baby oil are harmless substances for your ear. However, make sure that the oil is absolutely clean, otherwise it may introduce harmful bacteria into your ears.
This method is not recommended for people who have an eardrum perforation. If you are not sure whether you have this condition, please check with your doctor before you try this method.
Paraffin Oil
Using paraffin oil followed by warm water irrigation is another useful alternative remedy. Heat 2 to 3 tbsp. of paraffin oil 'til its warmth is just above your body temperature (never put really hot oil in your ear). Use a dropper to drip that oil into one of your ears. Make sure that the ear is facing up and the oil stays in. Empty the ear into a sink after five minutes, and then repeat this process with the other ear.
The next day flush your ears with mildly warm water. Once again, the water should be just warmer than normal body temperature. You could follow this up by rinsing your ear canal with diluted apple cider vinegar solution. This will restore the natural pH balance of your ear.
The Alternative Remedies to Avoid
Ear candling figures at the top of this list, because it is so popular. The logic behind this remedy is flawed and it is a dangerous and potentially harmful method. The claim made by practitioners of this technique is that the candle heat at one end of the ear candle produces a vacuum, which serves to clean the ear. Some also say that the smoke from the ear candle is a useful cleansing agent. There is no evidence to back either claim. Instead, ear candling can cause a perforated ear drum, burn injuries, and obstruction to the ear canal caused by the dripping wax of the candle.
As mentioned earlier, cotton ear buds or swabs are also potentially harmful, as are your fingers or other household objects. These must always be avoided. This is because, instead of removing the excess wax, using such methods will push it further back into your ear, causing impaction. Eventually, the condition may get so serious that you will have to consult a physician.