When to Worry About Ear Congestion
Ear Pain
As the website points out, if ear pain occurs, it is time to worry. This could be a sign of ear infection. Infections are not always treatable at home. They could lead to complications such as hearing loss if you do not treat them.
48-Plus Hour Duration
Symptoms that last 48 hours or more are also a cause for concern. Call a doctor as this could be signs of a condition more serious than the congestion.
Unilateral Nature
If it tends to only be on one side, that could be a sign of a significant problem as well. According to Dr. Daniel Choo, seeing a doctor becomes important to rule out any growths, legions or possibly even cancers that could be present.
Persistent Ear Congestion
In the event that your congestion is persistent or chronic, you (or your child) could be suffering from a condition doctors call Meniere's disease, which, according to Choo, is an inner-ear disorder. Choo points out that it could produce symptoms of ear congestion, and it does not resolve easily with over-the-counter medication.
Choo also points out that the ear congestion could be due to middle-ear fluid or infection, such as occurs in otitis media with effusion or acute otitis media, both of which can cause this condition.
Also go to an ear, nose and throat specialist if you suspect that your condition may be due to a clogged eustachian tube. According to Choo, this tube is the one which connects your inner ear to the back of your nose and throat.