Homeopathic Cure for Meniere's Disease
Meniere's is a disease of the inner ear and the fluid in the ear canals with no specifically known cause. It is neither fatal nor contagious. There is no cure for Meniere's, just preventative measures and treatment of symptoms.
Symptoms are episodic and are not always present. Meniere's sufferers experience dizziness, problems with balance, vertigo, a feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear, nausea, occasional vomiting and ringing in the ear. The condition can occur in one ear or in both. Usually each attack will last between 20 minutes to two hours.
Pay attention to any possible triggers that may be contributing to the Meniere's episodes and avoid those situations if possible. These triggers can be subjective and vary dramatically, but they can include food allergies, menstruation, pregnancy, certain visual stimulation and changes in the weather. Take a look at your overall diet. If there is too much salt, caffeine, alcohol and smoking, it can indirectly contribute to excessive fluid in the ear.
If you are feeling dizzy due to Meniere's disease, make sure to sit or lie down, and take your time resuming regular activities. Avoid sudden movements, driving, loud noises and activities that require you to focus on something that is moving, such as watching TV or reading. Avoid excessive stress and adopt some relaxation techniques that work for you. Don't eat or drink anything during an attack to avoid nausea and vomiting.
Diuretic pills can help if there is too much fluid buildup causing an episode, although long-term use of diuretics is not advised. Certain medications can help with the symptomatic nausea and dizziness associated with Meniere's disease.
People have tried taking gingko biloba, niacin supplements, ginger root, bioflavonoids, lipoflavonoids, acupuncture, a vertigo-heel treatment, chiropractic adjustments, pressure pulse device treatments, deep brain stimulation treatments and vestibular rehabilitation therapy; others opt for surgical procedures.