Naturopathic Remedies for Ringing Ear
Tinnitus stems from issues in the inner ear. There can be build-up of earwax in the ear canal, lowering the ability to hear other noises and amplifying the noises inside the ear. It can be caused by an infection or inflammation in the middle ear. This cause is serious and needs to be treated or it can result in further damage and possible hearing loss. Tinnitus also can be caused by a head or brain trauma. People that have an abnormal growth of the middle ear bone may also experience tinnitus. People with low circulation sometimes have ringing in the ears. High cholesterol can clog arteries and lowers the oxygen supply to the inner ear.
The continuous ringing and hissing can make it hard to concentrate or sleep. Many people with tinnitus also have anxiety issues and sleeping disruptions.
Ginko biloba has been used to help treat tinnitus, among other things. Avoid places that are really noisy or completely silent, both of which can make the symptoms feel worse. Background or white noise helps level out the ringing. Protect your ears with ear plugs or other safety measures when there are loud noises, such as gunfire or loud machinery, to prevent further damage. Avoid ingesting high levels of alcohol, caffeine or aspirin, which may aggravate the condition. Try lowering stress levels in your daily life and adapting some relaxation techniques. Lower your cholesterol levels if they are high to restore the oxygen flow to the ear.