How to Reduce Hearing Problems
Take all medications as directed, and follow all of your doctor's instructions about lifestyle and self-care measures regarding any medical conditions that affect your hearing. Managing these problems diligently is an important part of managing problems with your hearing loss.
Remove earwax buildup. Too much earwax can contribute to hearing problems. Your doctor can check for earwax buildup and remove the blockage.
Talk with an audiologist about getting a hearing aid. He can recommend an appropriate device for you and fit it properly. You might have to experiment with different ones to find the best one for you. Hearing aids amplify sound and transmit it to your ear canal.
Consider cochlear implants if you have significant hearing loss. These implants make up for the damaged areas of your inner ear. Any surgical procedure has risks and your audiologist and an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor will talk to you about the procedure in detail and determine if you are a good candidate.
Protect your ears from outside influences that can worsen your hearing. If you work in a particularly noisy environment, consider getting specially made earmuffs or earplugs that reduce noise. You will still be able to hear what is going on, but at a more acceptable level of noise. This same protection is beneficial for recreational activities as well. Take breaks from the noise when you can.
Use devices that help you hear better and reduce background noise. They can help you hear the television and phone conversations more clearly and easily.