Home Remedy for Earwax Pain Relief
One method to reduce pain associated with earwax buildup is irrigation. Irrigating your ears can be inexpensively done at home. Use a rubber ear syringe filled with room-temperature water to flush out excess wax. If the wax remains difficult to irrigate, place a dropper of baby oil into the ears as a softener. You can do this twice a day for up to five days before attempting to irrigate the ears. Baking soda and water also make a good earwax softening solution; the mixture can be dropped in the ear for up to two days, allowing it to begin softening wax for removal. Hydrogen or carbomide peroxide is also a good softening agent. Use a dropper to fill the affected ear with peroxide, and then place a cotton ball in the opening. Allow the peroxide to bubble in the ear for five minutes before attempting to irrigate. A solution of apple cider vinegar and water can aids in earwax dissolution. Use an ear syringe to inject equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water into ear canal. Repeat the irrigation several times, until all traces of painful earwax are removed. Warmed mineral oil placed in ear helps to soothe pain due to earwax.
These home remedies should not be attempted if you have tubes in your ears or a hole in the eardrum. Do not place paper clips, tweezers or cotton swabs in your ears; these items could potentially push wax farther into the ear canal, causing more pain. Consult with an ear, nose and throat doctor if you have a history of painful wax buildup, if your ears are blocked or the wax is severely impacted. See a physician if your ear pain from wax buildup is accompanied by drainage, fever or hearing loss.