Herbal Treatment for Tinnitus
Ginkgo Biloba
Try gingko biloba first before you try other herbs for tinnitus. Take 1 to 2 tsp of gingko biloba liquid extract three times per day, or 40 milligrams once a day of the dried herb. It will usually take several weeks before you begin to feel any effects from gingko biloba because it is a slow-acting herb. This treatment will help improve circulation, which can relieve the symptoms of tinnitus.
Take 4 to 6 g of powdered goldenseal daily. Goldenseal is often used to treat the common cold and upper respiratory infections. It is effective in treating tinnitus because it relieves pressure in the ears. It is also helpful in boosting the immune system, which can fight off the common cold. Congestion with the common cold is one of the causes of tinnitus.
Fenugreek Seed Tea
Make a tea with fenugreek seeds. Use 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of water. Steep the seeds for at least 15 minutes and drain. You may add a little honey or sugar in order to make the tea more palatable. Finugreek will help alleviate the noises in the ears.
Black cohosh
Take two capsules of black cohosh every day to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus. Black cohosh is commonly used in conjunction with gingko biloba for best results in the treatment of tinnitus. Black cohosh is also known as black snakeroot, rattleroot, bugbane and rattleweed.
Passion Flower
Start by taking 2 mg of passionflower and work your way up from there. Passionflower affects each person differently, so you will need to find the correct dosage for you. This herb will help increase circulation and improve tinnitus. It is also used as a sedative if you are having trouble sleeping due to the irritation of tinnitus.