How to Soothe an Ear Infection
Things You'll Need
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Q-tips
- Warm cloth or compress
- Decongestant
- Cup
Take a nasal decongestant. Ear infections often occur at the same time as another ailment, such as a cold or sinus infection. The infection may be caused by excess fluid in your sinuses, so take a decongestant to remove some of the excess and relieve pain.
Mix a small amount of equal parts warm water and hydrogen peroxide. Lie on your side and use a dropper to place two to three drops of the mixture in the infected ear. Lie still for about 10 minutes. Sit up, using a cup to collect any drainage from your ear. Hydrogen peroxide can disinfect the inside of your ear, break up any blockage, and dry up any fluids that may be present.
Apply a warm cloth to the ear. Sometimes ear infections can be caused by something as simple as a blockage. Heat will not only help alleviate pain, but also help break up any wax or blockage that may be present. After 15 minutes try using a Q-tip to remove some of the loosened wax or blockage.
See your doctor. Although home treatment can help with mild ear infections, heavy infections will require a trip to your doctor and treatment with antibiotic ear drops. While most ear infections go away on their own, if you have one that persists or doesn't change after a few days of home treatment, make a visit to your doctor.