Positional Vertigo Exercises
Exercise One
Sit down in a chair and place a pillow next to the ear that experiences the most positional vertigo discomfort. Quickly, but not quickly enough to experience additional discomfort or provoke a neck or head injury, move your head into the pillow and down to your waist. Ask a family member, friend or nurse to help you move down if you are in any way uncomfortable doing so by yourself. Close your eyes if desired and rest your head until the symptoms subside. Return to the upright position and pause until any returned symptoms subside or 30 seconds have elapsed. Repeat the exercise with the other ear. Return to the upright position and remain there for 30 seconds or until returned symptoms subside. Repeat the exercise 20 times twice daily unless symptoms are severe; repeat the exercise 10 times twice daily.
Brandt-Daroff Exercise
Sit down on the edge of your bed, towards the middle, with your legs hanging over the side of the bed. Quickly, but not quickly enough to harm yourself, lie down on your right side. Turn your head 45 degrees to the left, towards the ceiling. Hold the pose until the dizziness passes or for 30 seconds. Return to upright position and look straight ahead for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise on your left side while you hold your head to the right. Hold the pose until the dizziness passes or for 30 seconds. Return to starting position and look straight ahead for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise four more times. Duplicate the Brandt-Daroff positional vertigo exercise two to three times per day for two to three weeks. If symptoms improve, reduce the exercise to only two repetitions three to four times per week.
Use these tips to help you reduce your positional vertigo symptoms and maximize the effects of the positional vertigo exercises:
Sleep on two or more pillows.
Abstain from sports activities that require you to lie flat on your back, turn your head or lean over.
Do not sleep on the side with the affected area facing down.
Avoid recliner chairs at home or at beauty salons or dentist's offices.
Arise slowly from sleep and steady yourself on the edge of the bed for 30 seconds before standing up.
Avoid tipping your head back to look up.
Avoid bending down to pick up things from the floor or low-lying furniture.