Symptoms of Ear Problems
People might develop symptoms including ear pain or pressure; irritability; fever; dizziness; headaches; difficulty hearing; ringing in the ears; or discharge from the ear canal as a result of ear problems (Mayo Clinic and American Academy of Family Physicians).
Parents may notice babies pulling or tugging at their ears when they have an ear infection. Diagnosis is made by a pediatrician, general physician or an ear, nose and throat specialist (American Academy of Family Physicians).
If left untreated, symptoms of ear problems can lead to complications such as temporary or permanent hearing loss or a ruptured eardrum (Mayo Clinic).
Children who are exposed to tobacco smoke or air pollution; have allergies; have a family history of ear problems; or attend daycare centers might have more frequent and severe ear problems (Mayo Clinic).
Symptoms of ear infections can usually be treated with comfort measures such as pain relievers, although antibiotics may be necessary in some cases. Other types of ear problems might require earwax removal, medications, surgery or lifestyle changes (Mayo Clinic).
Using ear protection, avoiding sticking objects into the ear canal, breastfeeding, holding babies upright when bottle feeding and avoiding exposure to loud noises, smoke and sick people can help to prevent symptoms of ear problems.