Remedy for Itching Ears
Digging Deep
The cause of your itchy ear may determine which remedy you should choose. Often ear wax will cause an inner ear itch and for this condition, you would use one specific remedy. But if it's a fungal itch in the ear, allergies or tinnitus, the remedy would be different. The inner ear is complex and for these reasons, you should always consult your physician. If you have already seen a doctor and you know the cause, or you are certain that you have allergies, eczema, ear wax or a mild case of tinnitus, try these home remedies. Always avoid putting anything deep in the canal and stop using cotton swabs. If you have wax buildup, it can push the wax deeper, and if you have eczema it may cause irritation, cracking or bleeding.
Zen and The Art of the Calm Ear
Calm Ear is a natural home remedy for itchy ear. It costs about $15 and can be purchased online. The active ingredients include a mix of oils as well as vitamins A and D and various herbs and will not harm your ear. Put a few drops in the ear and tilt your head so the liquid stays in. Before using, read the ingredients and follow the directions. If the condition worsens, seek medical attention immediately.
Ear Today, Gone Tomorrow
If you have ear wax, buy a small baby dropper. The dropper is usually rubber and has a bulb that fills with liquid and a narrow tip. You can purchase one at any drugstore. Fill it with hot water---not boiling---just hot water from the tap. Flush the ear by squeezing the liquid into the ear. This may move or loosen the wax or even force out pieces. If it is wax, this easy treatment may provide relief for itching. You may also try extra virgin olive oil applied with the same dropper. If your ear is dry from the wax or irritated, this may soften and loosen the wax. There are also over the counter hydrocortisone anti-itch creams you can try. One of the more popular creams is Ear Itch Relief Cream and can be found at most major drug store chains. Again, always consult your doctor as discomfort in the ear can be a symptom of something more serious. None of these home remedies should be considered a guaranteed cure or used in the place of sound medical advice.