Relief for Itching in the Ears
Itchy ears can be caused by many things. Allergies, trauma or infections can lead to this problem for many people. Even cleaning your ears too much can cause an infection that leads to itching. Swimmer's ear is also common among many people. That is when water gets trapped in the ear, which then allows fungus to start growing.
Try buying over-the-counter ear drops as this may help eliminate any problems you are having.
Try taking an antihistamine to stop the itching in your ears.
You could also try a homemade acetic acid solution that consists of half water and half white vinegar. Put a few drops of this in your ear a few times a day.
Olive oil may also work on itchy ears. Rub a small amount of olive oil on your earbuds or apply a drop of olive oil in your ear a few times a day and this may help relieve the discomfort.
Avoid the use of cotton swabs. While they may temporarily help your itching, you are most likely doing damage to your skin by regularly using them. Also, do not stick any other objects in your ear as you may highly damage them by doing so.
If you are a regular swimmer, make sure that you dry your ears out every time you swim. Water getting trapped in the ear is a common reason for itchy ears as it starts the process for fungus to grow.
Have your doctor routinely clean out your ears if you are always having problems. You may be a person that regularly needs to get this procedure done in order to maintain healthy itch-free ears.
As always, you want to make sure you visit your doctor if the symptoms persist or get worse. Your doctor may be able to prescribe medication to alleviate the itching because of a chronic problem like eczema.