What Is Canalith Repositioning for Vertigo?
The body maintains its balance with the help of tubes in the ears called semicircular canals. Sometimes calcium crystals, or canaliths, can float into the canals' fluid, causing BPPV.
The goal of canalith repositioning is to move the canaliths into a part of the ear where they will no longer cause problems.
The patient, lying down, is instructed by the doctor to move his head into several positions. Next, she will have the patient lie on his side with his head at a certain angle for a few moments before he sits back up.
Home Treatment
The patient will be instructed on how to perform exercises at home. He should expect results after several repetitions.
Canalith repositioning may cause short-term dizziness and nausea. Any head or neck injuries should be reported to the physician, as the procedure could aggravate them.