Cure for Stopped Up Ears
Water In The Ears
Relieve stopped up ears instantly when water has become stuck in your ears. This common problem happens most often during the swimming season when people go under water in pools or otherwise get large amounts of water deep into the ear canal.
Using regular rubbing alcohol, this water will be released quickly from the ears and cause immediate relief. Pour a few drops into the cap from the top of the bottle of alcohol. You will only need enough to just cover the bottom of the cap. Tilt your head to one side with the affected ear facing up and have a piece of tissue or a washcloth nearby. Pour the alcohol from the cap directly into your ear and allow it to drain into the ear canal. You will feel the alcohol clog your ear even more. As soon as you feel this sensation tilt your head back the other way with the ear facing down to allow the alcohol and the water to run out together. Use the tissue or washcloth to catch the drainage. You should feel your ears open up immediately. Combining half alcohol and half vinegar will also work and help to disinfect the inside of the ear as well, according to
Ear Wax
If your stopped up ears are due to excessive ear wax, then use a medicine dropper to insert several drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ear. It will begin to bubble and you should hold the peroxide in the ear until it stops bubbling, according to
Use a clean cloth to wipe away the peroxide and tilt your head to see that as much of the substance runs out as possible. Repeat this procedure using alcohol to dry out the peroxide and remove any excess water and wax. Do not use cotton swabs or any other object to dig wax out of the ear as it could cause damage.
Use over-the-counter decongestants to help alleviate symptoms of a cold or allergies that include stopped up ears. If this symptom persists, see doctor to check for serious infections that may require prescription medicine to cure.
Airplane Ear
Stopped up ears are common when traveling on an airplane or when driving though quick changes in altitude. Unbalanced air pressure on the outer ear and the eardrum can cause this clogged feeling.
Use a nasal decongestion spray before a flight or chew gum to naturally open the Eustachian tubes. You may even try the Valsalva maneuver to equalize pressure. Do this by pinching your nose shut, closing your mouth and blowing air out of your lungs without letting it escape. Pretend you are blowing your nose when attempting this remedy, according to the Mayo Clinic.