How to Clean Ears With Ear Cones
Things You'll Need
- Assistant
- 1 ear cone
- Lighter or match
- Aluminum foil
- Scissors
- Glass of water
- Cotton balls or hat
Trim with scissors the tapered end of the ear cone so it fits comfortably in the outer ear canal. Throw the remaining tip away. Some ear cones will not require trimming if the tip is already wide enough.
With aluminum foil, create a flat, sturdy surface roughly the size of a dinner plate. Turn up the edges to form a tray. Insert the ear cone through the center of the foil at a right angle so the cone is sticking up out of the tray.
The person using the ear cone lays down on his side, ear toward the ceiling. The assistant places the tapered tip of the cone in the ear and adjusts the foil so it is about 1 inch from the ear, tightening it around the cone. The cone should be pointing vertically toward the ceiling, and the foil should be horizontal. Long hair should be secured away from the ear cone, and earrings should be removed.
The assistant holds the cone snugly in the ear and lights the large end on fire. Be aware that the flame will burn 2 to 6 inches high initially, then decrease. The cone will slowly burn down. As it burns, the assistant can trim the blackened portions off and put them in the glass of water to prevent them from blowing away. The burning process takes about 5 minutes.
Once the ear cone has burned down to about 3 inches from the foil, remove the cone and dip the burning end into the glass of water to distinguish it. Dispose of the cone and foil.
Repeat the process with a new ear cone in the other ear if desired. It is not necessary to do both ears.
Protect the ears for about a day after ear coning until a new protective wax barrier can develop, especially if working in cold or windy conditions. Wear a hat that covers the ears or insert cotton balls in the outer ear.