How to Prevent Hearing Loss While Mowing the Lawn
Estimate or calculate the decibel output of your lawn mower. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, most lawn mowers have a noise output of approximately 90 decibels (dB). This is considered extremely loud.
Consider other equipment you use or environments where you are surrounded by loud noises. If you are frequently exposed to noises louder than those of a lawnmower, buy strong hearing protection to use in necessary situations.
Consider your need to hear outside noise. Advanced hearing protection not only cancels harmful noise, it allows the capability to hear sounds that you need to hear, such as people talking or emergency noises on certain heavy equipment.
Choose your hearing protection. Make sure ear plugs or earmuffs that you choose are rated for noise levels greater than 90 dB.
Learn to use your hearing device. Each hearing protection device comes with specific instructions; for example, foam earplugs must be rolled a certain way, then inserted with a two-handed technique. Be sure to follow instructions accompanying your ear protection.