How to Make an Ear Infection Feel Better
Things You'll Need
- Cotton Balls
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Heating Pad
- Measuring Cup
- Water
- Peroxide
- Lemon Juice
- Bowl
- Microwave
- Ear dropper
Basic Pain Relief
Remove the cap covering the rubbing alcohol. Fill the cap with rubbing alcohol. Be careful; rubbing alcohol may spill.
Place one cotton ball into lid containing rubbing alcohol, allowing the cotton ball to soak the rubbing alcohol.
Insert the cotton ball inside infected ear and leave for 15 minutes.
Remove cotton ball from ear over sink. Drain ear by leaning the head to the side where the infected ear is located.
Place a heating pad on top of pillow and lay down with infected ear against the heating pad. A medium heat setting should be placed.
Home Remedy
Measure 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Pour into bowl.
Heat the mixture in microwave for approximately 11 seconds. Do not heat mixture until very hot, a lukewarm temperature should be achieved.
Suck mixture into ear dropper and dispense three drops into infected ear.
Allow the mixture to soak in ear for approximately 15 minutes. Do not let mixture drain from ear during 15-minute interval.
Drain the ear over sink, rinse ear dropper and fill with warm water. Flush ear using ear dropper, with warm water two times. Allow ear to drain over sink once more.