Cauliflower-Ear Treatments
Go to the hospital immediately after you suffer blunt trauma to your ear for it to be drained. Do not attempt to drain your ear yourself, or without the assistance of a professional, as this can cause severe, painful infection. The sooner you get your ear drained of fluid, the less likely you will sustain the distinct cauliflower-like appearance. Apply pressure directly to the affected ear as soon as possible with an icebag before being treated by a doctor.
Reattachment and Antibiotics
Cauliflower ear results from the detachment of the cartilage and skin of the affected ear. Your physician will reattach the cartilage and wrap your ear in a tie for nine days. Do not remove this tie until you are instructed to by your doctor. Take your prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection; take the entire course of your prescription, even if you do not have an infection. Cauliflower ear can be dangerous if an infection is allowed to persist and spread.
Cauliflower ear is an easily prevented condition. Most sufferers of this condition are contact-sports players, especially wrestlers and boxers. However, anyone who regularly receives injuries and blows to the head and face is in danger of suffering cauliflower ear. Spend the extra money to get high-quality protective head gear, and always use it when engaging in contact sports. Tighten your head piece to ensure it remains secured on your head; just one blow to your ears can damage them permanently.